Sterling Lawrence, Palms Down, 2019, Aluminum and acrylic paint
Sterling Lawrence, Folded Attention, 2019, Aluminum and acrylic paint
Sterling Lawrence, Shadow Briefs and Hook, 2019, Aluminum and acrylic paint
Sterling Lawrence, Stretched Witness, 2019
Sterling Lawrence, Gardens Gate, 2019, Aluminum and acrylic paint, 24 1/2h x 18 1/4w x 1d in
Sterling Lawrence, Spatial Negative, 2019, Aluminum and acrylic paint, 24h x 17 1/2w x 1 1/2d in
Claude Viallat, 1989_066, 1989, Acrylic on tarpaulin
Claude Viallat, 1990_133, 1990, Acrylic on fabric
Claude Viallat, 2005_267, 2005, Acrylic on fabric
Claude Viallat, 2016_169, 2016, Acrylic on fabric
Claude Viallat, 2016_188, 2016, Acrylic on fabric fragment
Claude Viallat, 1972_C23, 1972, Ink on rope